Soccer Analytics 2023 Review

Collection of the soccer analytics content that I liked the most in 2023!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

This year at the StatsBomb Conference I learned that my review blog posts no longer need introducing. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from multiple participants in the conference’s research-paper competition that my annual blog posts had helped them enter this exciting field and shape their research ideas. When I started this series of blog posts, I had precisely that goal in mind. Needless to say, I hope this overview of the soccer analytics content that I liked the most in 2023 will inspire another generation of soccer analytics enthusiasts in the new year!

This blog post provides pointers to research papers, blog posts, news articles, podcasts, events and code repositories that are related to soccer analytics. The selection focuses on resources that provide new insights in the field of soccer analytics, address interesting challenges, propose new methods for analyzing the game, or apply existing methods in a creative or novel way.

If you are new to the field, you might want to skim through my review blog posts from 2022, 2021 and 2020. You might also want to check out the Resources page that provides pointers to open datasets, Python libraries, book recommendations and career advice blog posts among others.

Research papers (58)

Blog posts (49)

News articles (25)

Podcasts (8)

Events (9)

Code repositories (8)

  • ballradar. Infer the ball trajectory from the player trajectories in tracking data. Code.
  • ETSY. Synchronize event data and tracking data for soccer matches. Code.
  • Football-Tracking-Interpolation. Estimate the locations of off-camera players in broadcast tracking data. Code.
  • GlickoSoccer. Compute ratings for soccer clubs and soccer leagues. Code.
  • implied. Convert between bookmaker odds and implied probabilities for soccer matches. Code. Documentation.
  • nwslpy. Access data for the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL). Code.
  • rs-football-3d. Render soccer data in 3D using the Bevy game engine. Code.
  • un-xPass. Evaluate the creative abilities of soccer players using StatsBomb 360 data. Code.